Because I am feeling particularly generous today, I thought I would post some of the job sites I use when I’m searching for international development jobs.

My favourites

In Canada

Others I peruse from time to time

Organizations I often check for updates (these link straight to the “careers” page)

I also often check country offices (for example, UNDP Tanzania Country Office or OXFAM Tanzania Country Office) for updates. Sometimes they have more job listings you won’t find anywhere else, in the place you want to work.

I also just recently joined a job sharing google group that a few of my former classmates from the University of Ottawa created. Feel free to join! It’s open to all.
Other links you might like
And, although I have come to realize people are generally not so good about sharing job resources, please let me know if there are any other job sites you use. Remember, all of us have different backgrounds and experience and probably aren’t trying to get the same jobs. And if you are and are more qualified, you should get it.  I have no qualms about that!